September 17, 2020

Antique Post & Beam Attic

By Nancy Nichols, P.E.

A client wanted to reinforce the roof framing so that it could support snow loads after the attic is well insulated.  The roof framing is comprised of 4×6 rafters typically about 4 feet on-center (not horizontal perlins, as is often the case).  New rafters are not designed to simply be “sistered” in-between the existing rafters because accumulated snow would have overloaded the exterior post and beam walls. We had our work cut out for us to ensure that snow loads are carried safely down the middle of the house and onto foundation units in the basement.

This photograph was taken at the rafter/attic floor joist connection that is above the soffit.  Note the miter joint and peg above it, rather than nails.  Carpentry in the antique post and beam houses was expertly done, and a joy to see.

If you would like to know how to modernize your old post and beam, please give us a call.