December 14, 2020

ICF Forms

By Nate Rogers, E.I.T.

ICF is the abbreviation for Insulated Concrete Form, an emerging new building technology which simplifies constructing foundations. These forms are made of rigid insulation tied together in hollow blocks which stack together like Legos. They come in sizing ranging from 4” up to 12” wide so they will work with nearly all standard residential foundation walls. Once the forms are stacked in the correct locations, concrete can be poured directly from the top into the hollow opening to form a foundation wall (with appropriate concrete reinforcing). Once the concrete sets, the walls are ready to go and already insulated. It’s really that easy! There are custom details that allow for flared blocks, lintels over windows, and ledgers to be installed for floor systems. Our Team has experience working with ICF forms so consider giving us a call to incorporate a cool new building technology into your next residential project.

Nudura Insulated Concrete Forms