October 31, 2020

Team Engineering’s Growing MEP Capabilities

By Nate Rogers, E.I.T.

With a plethora of building inspection and general engineering experience, our Engineers have always had a pulse on what good MEP design looks like for buildings. Between inspections, consultations, reserve studies and more, we have seen thousands of different MEP systems; we know what works and what doesn’t. In my relatively short time here at Team, I have taken on a variety of MEP projects including designing new plumbing for simple residential bathroom renovations, fire alarm design for commercial buildings, new mechanical design for a commercial kitchen renovation and a wide smattering of other projects. Currently I am leading the charge to improve our in-house MEP capabilities by spending time with mentors at Microdesk to improve our drafting capabilities. Team can now model MEP systems in 3D within Revit as seen in the example above. We are striving to give our clients a high quality, practical, affordable, constructible, and long last building systems. Combined with our already established architectural and structural skills, we are now one step closer to being New England’s ultimate one-stop-shop for building engineering needs.