Team Engineering welcomes Blaise Imbembe!
By Blaise Imbembe, E.I.T
Hello! I’m Blaise, a new Team Engineering member working as a Staff Engineer.
I am from D.R.Congo and lived in Belgium (Brussels) for six years and in Canada for six years before moving to the US in 2015. My background is in structural engineering and I am passionate about building design. Before joining Team Engineering, I worked on Cold-Formed Steel (CFS) building design for about three years. I designed multi-family residential, healthcare, school, commercial, industrial, and institutional buildings. Although my born country, Congo, has the world’s second largest tropical forest with 500 million acres, they build exclusively with concrete masonry. But the price of cement in Congo constantly fluctuates due to insufficient production. My goal has always been to obtain expertise in wood design in order to be able to promote the use of wood for buildings in Congo. Given its experience in wood building design and inspection, Team Engineering is where I need to be in order to achieve this goal. I am impressed by the passion and client-oriented vision of Team Engineering.
I am preparing for my Professional Engineer exam in order to better serve our clients. I received my BS in civil engineering at École Polytechnique de Montréal (Polytechnic School of Montreal) in Canada then attended University of New Hampshire where I graduated with an MS degree in structural engineering. Besides my academic background, I was also trained as military officer at the Royal Military Academy of Belgium where I received my MS in Military Construction.
Since joining Team Engineering at the end of the 2020 Summer, I have enjoyed working on varied aspects of structural engineering design, participating in inspections and discussions with our clients.
In my spare time, I enjoy jogging, watching or playing soccer and riding bikes with my children. I also coach U6 and U8 at Manchester East Soccer League.
I look forward to adding value to the Team as well as to our clients while increasing my experience.
Blaise Nganyi Imbembe
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