March 1, 2023

Revit 3D Modeling

By Olivia Caron, E.I.T.

Team Engineering develops plans using Revit, a 3D modeling software. This software allows us to create a realistic building model that incorporates all the necessary disciplines, such as architecture, structure, and mechanical. These models are especially useful when collaborating with other companies. Team Engineering often engages in relationships with various architects who do the initial design of the building and then send us their 3D model. One of the many benefits of Revit is it can import models from other design software such as Chief Architect and ArchiCAD, which gives us the ability to work efficiently with most architecture companies. Once we have the architectural model, we can add structural members and mechanical systems. This allows us to check whether there is sufficient space in the floor/ceiling cavities for joists and HVAC. We can also check if an opening can have flush ceilings or if there needs to be a drop beam and if the loads land in spots where columns can be placed, or if there needs to be another beam to maintain an open floor plan. Overall, developing our specifications using a 3D modeling system allows us to develop more accurate plans, which will create a smooth construction process.

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